Gallery Wrap Canvas Prints

Gallery Wrap Canvas Prints Online in India

Gallery Wrap Canvas Prints

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  • Free Express Shipping on orders of ₹500 and above.

If you can never find a frame that's just right, then you're in luck. Canvas prints are ideal because, typically, they don't need a frame (the photo does all the talking, wrapped right around the canvas mount). But, if you would prefer a framed option, we sell those too. With three classic colours to choose from – brown, black, and white – get the best of both worlds, with a textured photo canvas and a frame. Win-win.

Our canvas pictures are printed on sturdy cotton poly canvas and mounted on stretcher bars as a solid wood frame. Canvas Prints can look good anywhere in your home. There’s a size, shape and style of canvas photo print for every nook and cranny, the trick is finding the one that’s right for you.

Canvas Prints Wrapped

Whether it's one of your favourite photos for the living room wall, a collection of family portraits in the hall or a carefully curated collage, nothing beats a high-quality Canvas Print to showcase your memories every day. And it's now even easier to print your photo to Canvas straight from your phone!

Square Canvas Prints

The perfect shape to fit your favourite Instagram photos on canvas! This Square Canvas is made for portraits, school photos or candid snaps.

Rectangle Canvas Prints

Those family photos where you’ve had to squeeze everyone in? That’s exactly what this Canvas is made for. Whether hung as a portrait or landscape Canvas, it’s sure to complete any wall display.


Rupal Salvi

August, 2020

Sidharth Samal

March 11, 2020

Ramashanker Dubey

October 13, 2020

Aishwariya R

August 13, 2020

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